Trinitarian Design in Nature: Step One in Creationeering®

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What is the Meaning of the Floods on Mars part 3

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Evaluating Diversity, with Application to the Order Galliformes (Featured Article)

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Crassostrea Oyster Fossils Show Evidence of Extreme Longevity

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Chloroplast Genome-Based Baraminology Study of Liliales

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The Post-Flood Ark Dispersal and Early Pleistocene: Exegetical and Geological Notes on Genesis 8:13–22 (Open Access)

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The Receding Phase of the Genesis Flood: Exegetical and Geological Notes on Genesis 8:1–12

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The uniqueness of ruminants (Ruminantia) among the even-toed ungulates (Artiodactyla) Part I: Molecular baraminology studies

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Molecular Baraminology of Primates

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Design Revealed by the Spectral “IR Ledge”

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An Investigation into an In Situ Lycopod Forest Site and Structural Anatomy Invalidates the Floating-Forest Hypothesis

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A Tribute to Dr. Kevin Anderson (Open Access)

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Catching the Vision Blind Cave Fish as a Model System for Continuous Environmental Tracking and Adaptive Engineering (Open Access)

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Statistics, Baraminology, and Interpretations: A Critical Evaluation of Current Morphology-Based Baraminology Methods

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Classification of the Enigmatic Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens) Based on Molecular Baraminology-Based Analysis

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Much Greater Cosmic Rays During the Ice Age and Before (Featured Article)

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God Floods Earth, Yet Preserves Ark-Borne Humans And Animals: Exegetical And Geological Notes On Genesis Chapter 7 (Featured Article)

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A Dam Breach Unlikely for the Origin of Grand Canyon (Open Access)

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Supernova Driven Accelerated Decay Confronts the Evidence (Featured Article)

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Dating Uncertainties With Thermoluminescence (Featured Article)

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The Waters Above— A Comparison of Three Models (Featured Article)

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Compelling Evidence for an Upper Cenozoic Flood/Post-Flood Boundary: Paleogene and Neogene Marine Strata that Completely Surround Turkey (Featured Article)

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Extensive Messianic Prophecy Corruptions and Flood-Related Chronology Errors Disqualify the Septuagint (LXX) as a Reliable Source for Creationist Research (Featured Article)

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Deep Time Philosophy Impacts Radiocarbon Measurements (Featured Article)

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Genesis Flood Drainage through Southwest Montana: Part III: Water Gaps (Featured Article)

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Paradise Kingfishers (Tanysiptera spp.), the Founder Effect, and Creation Research

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Getting Worldview Wrong: Philosophical Mistakes in Understanding Worldview

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Integrating Contemporary Approaches to “Worldview”

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The “Pacemaker of the Ice Ages” Paper Revisited: Closing a Loophole in the Refutation of a Key Argument for Milankovitch Climate Forcing

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Evolution vs. Design: Wrong Assumptions Cannot Produce a Correct Model

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Does Extraterrestrial Life Exist?

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Founder Events: Foundational in Rapid Post-Flood Diversification

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Comets, the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud

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Selected Articles, 1975 through 2012

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Cells as Information Processors Part I: Formal Software Principles

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A Review of the Lynden-Bell/Choloniewski Method for Obtaining Galaxy Luminosity Functions Part I

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Carbon-14 in Colorado CO2 Gas Wells

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Comparison of the Transcribed Intergenic Regions of the Human Genome to Chimpanzee

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The Extraterrestrial Search for the Origin of Homochirality

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Critique of Modern Oort Comet Theory

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The Asteroid Belt - A Computer Simulation

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An Analysis of Astronomical Aspects of the Hydroplate Theory

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