Can I be a member if I don't have a degree?
Yes! Any person who agrees with our position statement is able to be a member.
Can I present at the CRS annual conference if I'm not a voting member?
Yes! Every member has the ability to submit an abstract and present it at the CRS conference. But, all presentations must be sponsored by a voting member as an author or nonauthor.
Can I receive print copies of the publications?
Yes! We've made an effort to keep the ability to receive print copies of our publications. (Postage rates may apply).
Are there any opportunities for student membership?
CRS is currently offering a special opportunity for Student memberships, where students receive free online access to the electronic editions of the CRS Quarterly and Creation Matters, in addition to other member benefits. For details, visit our Future Leaders Sponsorship Program page. If, however, students wish to receive the printed versions they can opt for our student membership discount.
What is included in an annual membership?
Membership in the CRS includes subscriptions to both the Creation Research Society Quarterly (CRSQ; 4 issues per year) and the Creation Matters popular publication (usually bimonthly). All memberships begin with the first issue (Summer) of the current volume of the CRSQ and continue through the fourth issue (Spring). Those who join after the publication of the Summer issue, and prior to the publication of the Spring issue the following year, will receive all back issues of the current volume. Members also receive exclusive online access to the latest publications, and to all past CRSQ Journal issues that are not available to the public. Access is also available to CRSnet, an email reflector for discussing origins-related topics among members. Members also receive significant discount pricing for the CRS annual conference and for the online store. Browse the store to see the savings you will get off the regular price.
Can an institution receive access to the publications?
Yes, they can receive print versions of the publications, but cannot receive online access. Institutions (such as schools, libraries, churches, etc.), may obtain a non-member subscription to the CRS Quarterly and Creation Matters.
Can I subscribe without agreeing to the position statement?
Yes, Individuals who cannot in good conscience agree with the statement of belief can subscribe to view and receive all the publications. The other member benefits such as discounts are not available.