conference 2020">


The CRS Annual Conference

The purpose of the Creation Research Society’s Conference is to provide a forum for our member’s to present their latest research. We highly encourage members to present not only well developed and tested ideas and results, but to also present new and tentative ideas and even speculations. Some of these ideas may eventually mature and develop into fully established research, while others may never fully sprout. Either way, this conference provides an excellent opportunity for a “test drive.” As such, there are no proceedings nor recordings of any of the concurrent sessions. The conference also provides a wonderful opportunity for interaction among members of the Society, helping to promote collaborations and exchanges of ideas.

It should be understood that the CRS Conference is not a family conference with activities and entertainment for all ages. This is a science conference and presentations will be scientific or theological in nature – many may be a little technical. However, even attendees that do not understand all that was discussed during a presentation still find they have learned some interesting facts and leave the conference with new ideas and understanding.

Presentations during the concurrent sessions will be selected from a pool of abstracts that are submitted by various researchers who are interested in presenting their work. These abstracts are selected based on originality, novelty, and general interest to the creation community. As such, these abstracts are not peer-reviewed and receive only limited editing. Attendees may find some of these presentations less tenable than others, but this is all in keeping with our goal of providing a forum for the free flow of ideas among fellow creationists.

The conference next will be held at the Ark Encounter, Williamstown, KY  July 25-27, 2024.

The International Conference On Creationism (ICC)

The ICC is not run or directly affiliated with the CRS. However, to show support we do not hold our annual conference on the years that the ICC meets. CRS members and staff are encouraged to attend and present topics at the ICC.

It has grown to be one of the largest creation conferences that focus on technical presentations in the world. Topics covered at past conferences have included geology, biology, and astronomy with presentations focusing on topics such as the age of the Earth, the origin of life, and the evidence for intelligent design.