The Miracle of Jesus Walking on Water Through the Lens of Gravitational Time Dilation
Jonathan K. Corrado
Whether they are theologians, lay people, or non-believers, most have at least anecdotally heard of the miracle of Jesus walking on water. Many important lessons and insights can be gleaned from this important passage, including testimony to the identity of Jesus that bolsters belief in Him and His deity and a non-trivial display of Jesus' power over His creation. However, was God trying to convey more than just His ability to elude physics, and displaying His authority over the dimension of time and its creation? The dimension of time is an elusive and much debated dimension that is difficult to understand, and in the context of God and heaven, it is in many respects beyond human comprehension. However, as expressed by Albert Einstein, "the distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." This illusion can only be unlocked by God, and thus it was created by God. In this article, the miracle of Jesus walking on water is explored in relation to the phenomenon of gravitational time dilation; it is considered as an instance that reveals God's relation to time, as well as the complexity and awesomeness of creation in general. We show that the equations for time dilation around a massive body may serve as a model to show the independence of God from His creation of spacetime.
Lithification of Clastic Sediments— Part I: Significance, Processes, and Modeling
Peter Klevberg and Michael J. Oard
Lithification is important to diluvial geology and the mineral industry, especially petroleum. Lithification can be used to determine the amount of eroded overburden, which we apply to North Central Montana. There are also five other ways to determine erosion and, using these, secular scientists have estimated immense continental erosion. We delve into the variables affecting lithification, emphasizing diagenesis and, in particular, mechanical and chemical compaction of sandstone. Despite many difficulties, the study of lithification has produced some data useful in inferring burial depths for sandstones from compaction microtextures.
The Post-Flood Ark Dispersal and Early Pleistocene: Exegetical and Geological Notes on Genesis 8:13-22 (Open Access)
Jeffrey P. Tomkins
This multidisciplinary research paper examines Genesis, Chapter 8:13-22 which is the immediate post-Flood phase of the global Genesis Deluge. In a companion paper, I previously performed an exegetical and geological and analysis of Genesis, Chapter 8:1-12 which documented the receding phase of the global Flood which was responsible for depositing the Tejas Megasequence (Paleogene and Neogene of the geological column). The receding phase of the Flood described in Genesis 8:1-12 encompassed 135 days of highly significant Earth-shaping activity and is responsible for producing approximately a third of the total volume of the fossil-bearing portion of the geological column (Phanerozoic). The Tejas deposits are also responsible for the burying of numerous amounts of mammals, angiosperms, and many other plants and creatures living at higher pre-Flood elevations that are not found in lower (pre-Tejas) layers of the rock record. In this present analysis of Genesis 8:13-22, I exegete the Hebrew text showing that the earth surrounding the Ark landing site in the Middle East was completely dry by Genesis 8:14, and likely all the continents, which allowed for the disembarking of Noah, his family, and the animals off the Ark as noted in the following verses. Significantly, the Middle East is dominated by Tejas deposits of marine origin which were deposited in the receding phase of the Flood and according to the completed action of the verbal forms in the Hebrew text, was decidedly dry enough at the time of disembarkment and also for subsequent human development of the land of Shinar and the building of the tower of Babel.
What Is the Meaning of the Floods on Mars?- Part I: Their Surprising Discovery
Michael J. Oard
Uniformitarian scientists were surprised to discover channels on Mars like the Channeled Scablands of eastern Washington. Climate models indicate that large-scale Martian floods are impossible. This paper will describe what appear to be flood features on Mars. Three types of channels on Mars are described in this paper: valley networks,outflow channels, and gullies. Like the Solar System's other solid bodies that have not been resurfaced by debris and volcanism, Mars possesses numerous impact craters, some very large, which provide a framework for the planet's history. Secular uniformitarian scientists divide the geologic history of Mars into four main periods which span 4.5 billion years.
Panorama of Science: Rapid Relay of Sound Vibration Alarms: Headbanging Termites
"For if the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for the battle?" (1 st Corinthians 14:8)
Headbanging termites are alarming, literally!
Termites dwell in moisture-regulated (and "air-conditioned") mounds much larger than their little (about a centimeter-long) bodies. When termite mounds are structurally breached and attacked, by hungry predators (such as aardvarks or pangolins or ants), some termites (often called "workers," responsible for food acquisition) flee, while other termites (often called "soldiers," some of which serve as "sentinels") defend the colony's homestead, by rushing to perform emergency repairs or by rushing to counter-attack the invaders, perhaps by swarming upon and biting whomever the invading threat is. Those defensive sentinel-like termites, who "sound the alarm," communicate quickly.