The Hearing Ear and the Seeing Eye


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DVD  Dr. David Menton. 2011. Answers in Genesis, 98 min.

No organs of the human body attest more abundantly to God’s creative handiwork than the ear and the eye. The amazing hand of the Creator is obvious to anyone willing to take a brief tour just below the surface.

In the ear, sound waves pass successively through air, bone, and a watery fluid to reach the marvelous organ of Corti, which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy that the brain interprets as sound.

The eye is actually a part of the brain itself, and functions as a living camera with automatic control of focus and light. In the retina, light passes through living “fiber optics” to reach the photoreceptor cells that pass information to the brain, which is interpreted as vision.

Dr. Menton’s casual humor and competence as a beloved professor—plus his use of colorful anatomical models—makes otherwise hard-to-understand concepts both fun and easy to remember!