Although the best-known feature of Babel in the Biblical narrative was the tower that Noah’s descendants began to build in Shinar, the Bible says that they were constructing a “city” there as well. No details are included of either the Babel city or tower. However, as this paper will show, the Tower of Babel was likely a ziggurat (stepped pyramid), and the city that accompanied the Tower was most likely composed of temples and various other religious structures. We infer this because around the world we see many ancient pagan religious complexes consisting of ziggurats together with temples and other buildings. The archaeological similarity of these far-flung ziggurats has been noted by many scholars, both Biblical and secular. It appears that after the Babel dispersion, far from learning their lesson when God intervened by stopping the work and confusing their language, men went on to build ziggurats and temple complexes wherever they settled all over the world. It is proposed here that these complexes were patterned after the original one that they had started to build back in Babel. These worldwide pyramid complexes constitute witness to the truth of the Biblical account and are compelling archaeological support for the authenticity of the Biblical story of Babel. The rebellion against God by Noah’s descendants at Babel cannot be overestimated in its profound effects on mankind. In showing evidence for taking the Babel story literally, as in this paper, the creationist worldview is supported.