CRSQ 1987 Volume 24, Number 1


Aristotle and Creationism: A Comparison

Ellen Myers, M.A.

Many features of modern science reflect some of Aristotle's scientific views, i.e., reasoning from within nature, the eternality of the material universe, the oscillating universe concept and pantheism.  The attempted synthesis of the Biblical world view and Aristotelianism is reviewed.

Mountain Moderated Life: A Fossil Interpretation (Minisymposium on Orogeny - Part I)

George F. Howe, Ph.D.

This paper and the five which follow make up a CRS symposium on orogeny which is the study of the origin of mountains.  Because of their influence on local climate, mountains have helped to govern the associations of plants and animals which have survived in any particular region, as widely evidenced from the fossil record.  Which species lived where after the Flood and during postFlood times has to some major extent been controlled by the formation of the world's mountain ranges.  It is extremely impotant that Flood geologists wishing to explain biogeography past and present, give deep thought to such questions as how and when mountains arose. In the second paper of the symposium a creationist meteorologist has written how mountains modify climate and presently dictate patterns of vegetational distribution. Next, three earth scientists and one geologically-trained theologian have prepared four very different creationist interpretations of how the Creator synthesized mountains.

Mountains and Leeside climate: An Indicator of Change

Kenneth A. Nash, M.S.

There is substantial evidence that significant changes have occurred in the plant distribution found today in the American West and other mountainous regions as compared to those of earlier times.  My purpose in this paper is to summarize the ways in which existing mountains modify climate on their own slopes and on leeward land masses nearby, possibly accounting for the observed patterns of plant distribution.  an alternative suggestion is also briefly discussed.

Enlightenment or Endarkenment

Clifford L. Lillo, M.A.

This article provides thoughts on the Enlightenment by seventeenth and eigteenth centruy writers and the belief by a modern writer that the world is headed toward a dark period in history.  The Age of Enlightenment has been described by scholars as a period of great intellectual awareness with emphasis on the experimental method in science.  What has not been emphasized is that some leaders of the Enlightenment were creationists.  Another fact brought out in the article is that a surprising number of modern day scientists are turning toward God, reversing a trend toward endarkenment.



Aristotle And Creationism Mountain Moderated Life Mountains And Leeside Climate Panorama Of Science Enlightenment Or Endarkenment