
International Conference On Creationism

The ICC is not run or directly affiliated with the CRS. To show support from the Creation Research Society (CRS), the CRS does not hold its annual conference on the years that the ICC meets. Our CRS members and staff are encouraged to attend and present topics at the ICC.

What is the ICC? 

The ICC was started in 1984 by the Creation Science Fellowship in Pittsburgh PA. The original and current goal of the conference is to provide a rigorously peer-reviewed forum for finalized creation research presentations. 

Since its conception, it has grown to be one of the largest creation conferences that focus on technical presentations in the world. Topics covered at past conferences have included geology, biology, and astronomy with presentations focusing on topics such as the age of the Earth, the origin of life, and the evidence for intelligent design. 

The mission of the ICC

The purpose of the ICC is to promote the development and dissemination of positive contributions to a young earth creationist model of origins and models of earth history that recognize the reality of the global Flood described in Genesis. 

ICC 2023

The International Conference on Creationism, held at Cedarville University from July 16th to 19th, proved to be an inspiring and unifying event for attendees. This resounding success brought together prominent scholars, researchers, and enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds, attracting a packed audience in numerous engaging sessions. It was encouraging to see that over 40 of the people participating in the presentations were current CRS members.

Key Highlights

Groundbreaking Research: The conference featured poster sessions, abstract and paper presentations, round table discussions, and evening discussions. In these many esteemed scientists and academics showcased compelling evidence that demonstrated the harmony between scientific observations and the Genesis account of creation.

"I wish I could have cloned myself so I could have made it to more of the concurrent sessions"

-Multiple Attendees

Engaging Evening Presentations: Acclaimed speakers from various disciplines such as Russell Humphreys, John Baumgardner, Danny Faulkner, and 9 others gave encouraging and detailed lectures. The lectures left attendees reinvigorated in their beliefs and challenged to further their knowledge of creation.

Interdisciplinary Learning/Research: Interdisciplinary collaboration was another prevalent theme at the conference. Researchers and scholars from various fields came together for new endeavors, educational initiatives, and outreach programs. The spirit of unity and cooperation fostered a sense of community and shared purpose among all attendees.

Youth Involvement: An encouraging aspect of the event was the involvement of young scholars and students. Their fresh perspectives and unwavering dedication inspired hope for the future growth and development of creation research and education. Many of these students received applications for Future Leadership sponsorship from the CRS.

"It was great to see so many young people at this conference. It was encouraging to see the next generation of creationists learning, growing, and even presenting their research."

-Cameron Ward

Fellowship and Networking: Just like the annual CRS Conference the ICC had constant fellowship and exchanging of ideas. The positive energy and engaging conversations reflected the genuine passion within the creationist community. On top of that, there were also multiple field trips to Massie Creek and presentations in an onsite planetarium where attendees interacted and connected.

"I have talked non-stop to people for over 8 hours today and I wish the conference would keep going" -Robert Carter


In conclusion, the International Conference on Creationism exceeded all expectations. Participants expressed overwhelming enthusiasm and a desire to attend more concurrent sessions. The shared experiences, scientific insights, and connections made during the event are poised to propel the creation community forward, fostering continued growth and understanding.


We are very thankful to have been able to attend and for the continued support. While the next ICC has not been announced yet feel free to check out the CRS Conference 2024 which will be held at the Ark Encounter.

Learn More on the ICC Website