Was the Year Once 360 Days Long?
Danny R. Faulkner
Many recent creationists believe that the year originally was 360 days long. I examine the biblical and ancient nonbiblical arguments for this and find them wanting. Suggestions that the year was originally 360 days lack physical rigor of a mechanism to alter the year to its current length, and so it is difficult to criticize them physically in the general case. However, I propose here a very simple model of how part of this might have happened, and I show that the energy involved is unrealistically high. It is doubtful that a successful physical model that could have changed the year from 360 days to 365 days can be produced.
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The Uinta Mountains and the Flood Part I. Geology
Michael J. Oard
The geology of the Uinta Mountains can be explained in four phases. The first phase was the development of a deep basin that was infilled by sediments. The second phase was the deposition of a thick sequence of horizontal, undeformed sedimentary layers on top of the basin fill. The third phase was one of massive uplift, erosion, and the formation of unique geomorphological features. The final phase was the development of valley glaciers. Features representing all four phases are explained by biblical earth history, and it appears that almost the entire rock record of the Uinta Mountains is the result of the Flood.
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Whale Evolution: A Whale of a Tale
Jerry Bergman
A review of the evolution of whales from terrestrial land animals finds that the evidence used to support the current theory is either wrong or very questionable. A focus is on the hip bone and fetal teeth evidence because they are commonly used as proof for the land mammal-to-whale evolution theory. The putative fossil evidence for whale evolution from terrestrial animals is also evaluated, concluding that the examples used are likely all extinct mammals and not transitional forms.
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Battlegrounds of Natural History: Actualism
John K. Reed, Emmett L. Williams
Actualism is a fundamental assumption of secular natural history. It replaced the Christian view of causality through providence, and it asserted an absolute physicochemical and geological continuity. Though often confused with uniformity and uniformitarianism due to secular obfuscation, actualism, at root, is a method of geology that limits historical processes and events to observed present-day causes. Actualism fails as an absolute explanation of historical causality: it cannot be precisely defined, it surreptitiously assumes unjustified metaphysical positions, and its secular formulations fail logical and empirical truth tests. Only when justified as a contingent manifestation of providence does it avoid these problems. However, that formulation is of little help in deciphering the rock record, because it was largely shaped by nonactualistic discontinuities.
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