CRSQ Abstracts, 2012, Volume 49, Number 1 (Summer)

 A Hydrodynamic Interpretationof the Tapeats Sandstone Part II: Middle and Upper Tapeats

W.R. Barnhart

Bedforms and grain-size distributions in the middle and upper Tapeats Sandstone were analyzed to determine depositional conditions, including flow velocity, direction, and depth. I found that cut-andfill structures were formed by high-density turbulent flow. Alternating compound cross-beds and high-velocity flat beds are the products of changes in depth and competency, possibly caused by cycles of one large storm wave followed by a secondary wave train. Foreset azimuth readings from cross beds indicate a large, unidirectional depositional current, moving northeast to southwest, and composed of many parallel tongues of deposition. Its vast extent and lateral consistency are seen in the ubiquity of tangential toe contacts on both large and small internal cross beds of the compound cross bedding throughout the formation. Diplocraterium ichnofossils in these tangential toe contacts shows an unexpected association of trace fossils with high-energy environments. Flow velocities were determined from grain size corrected to show the total preserved load, recognizing that deposited sediments represent mixed and bed loads after removal of much of the suspended load. Calculated velocities of over 4 m/s show that the entire Tapeats was rapidly deposited. A rhythmic pattern of bedforms supports that depositional rate. Conditions during Tapeats deposition are better understood by this hydrodynamic approach rather than through the use of facies models.

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The Little Ice Age in the North Atlantic Region Part IV: Norway

Peter Klevberg, Michael J. Oard

The first two parts of this series (Klevberg and Oard, 2011a, 2011b) introduced methods of studying past climate change, the historicity of the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age, and the importance of the Little Ice Age in understanding climate change and constraining climatic models. The third part (Klevberg and Oard, 2012) provided more detailed reasons for concentrating on the North Atlantic region and summarized the rich climatic and glaciologic history of Iceland. Our study of the effects of the Little Ice Age in the North Atlantic region continues with this paper, which presents a summary of climate change indicators and the history of the Little Ice Age in Norway.

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RATE Study: Questions Regarding Accelerated Nuclear Decay and Radiometric Dating

Carl R. Froede Jr., A. Jerry Akridge

Secular arguments supporting the use of radiometric dating in defining natural history have been rebuffed by many creationist critiques. However, recently, several young-earth creationists have suggested that radiometric dating can be accepted with one or more episodes of accelerated nuclear decay having occurred during Earth’s past. A number of theoretical and practical problems face this hypothesis, such as excessive heat generation, variability in the rate of nuclear decay among radioisotopes, and, perhaps most important, the lack of any radiometric age-date conversion factor that would allow the use of secular dating results in creationist field work.

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The Anatomy of a Worldview: The Eternal Self-Identity

Steven Chisham

Worldview” is a popular term used in a variety of contexts. Unfortunately, its usage is frequently vague and often more descriptive than definitive. A specific definition is possible, however, by condensing the concept to the range of replies to the question, “How do I understand myself relative to ultimate truth?” This paper will explain that: (a) the emergence of a worldview is a natural and necessary by-product of the expansive nature of human thought, (b) it is the reference tool used to emulate objectivity in determining ultimate truth, and (c) this paradigm ultimately defines one’s self-identity. In short, a person cannot think and mature without necessarily constructing a worldview—an eternal self-identity.

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