CRSQ Abstracts, 2017, Volume 53, Number 3 (Winter)
Variable Neutrino Mass, Supernovae, and Accelerated Decay
Eugene F. Chaffin
The antineutrino flux from radioactive uranium, thorium, potassium-40, etc. on the earth’s surface is of the order of 106 antineutrinos per square centimeter per second. The flux of neutrinos from the sun is four orders of magnitude larger. Larger than that would be the cosmic background of neutrinos and the possibility of a nearby supernova. Recent physics literature contains theories in which the neutrino mass is coupled to the neutrino density via a so-called acceleron field. This acceleron field is hypothesized to resemble the Higgs field, and to change strength due to neutrino couplings and variation in neutrino density. The radiocarbon evidence for a nearby supernova is discussed and related to the possibility that such a supernova showered the earth at the time of Noah’s Flood. This would contribute to accelerated decay and provide evidence that radioisotope data can be consistent with a biblical timescale.
Cratering and the Earth: Clues in Lineaments
W. R. Barnhart
Lineaments are a well-recognized landform. They have been connected with basement shear zones that affect topography. Using satellite mapping, I examine circular lineaments, which show defined centers and concentric expressions at the surface. They are expressed geomorphically in both raised and lowered zones of elevation. Symmetry, repetition, and regularity can be used to discriminate lineaments from random features. Circular lineaments at Unaweep Canyon and the TONCK Structure are mirrored by topographic and gravity anomalies that display the physics of shock and release waves produced by impacts. It is possible that these features were produced by impacts, and that this hypothesis may allow a better interpretation of landforms.
The Bighorn Basin, Wyoming— Monument to the Flood
Part I: The Flooding Stage
Michael J. Oard
The relatively small Bighorn Basin and its surrounding mountains are a striking display of every phase of the Flood, as well as preFlood rocks and post-Flood glaciation. The Great Unconformity is seen at several locations; the granite and gneiss beneath it are Creation Week rocks. Many thousands of feet of sedimentary rocks were laid above it during the ascending phase. This event can be called the Great Deposition. Many of these strata can be traced for up to thousands of miles and show little or no internal erosion. Both features support Flood deposition but contradict uniformitarianism. Dinosaur bones and tracks, commonly found along the edge of the Bighorn Basin, can be explained as having formed between Day 40 and Day 120 of the Flood.
Founder Events: Foundational in Rapid Post-Flood Diversification
Jean K. Lightner and Jon Ahlquist
A biblical view of natural history begins in Genesis. God created plant and animal life according to their kinds, telling them to reproduce and fill the earth. Another important historical event was the global Flood, where terrestrial and flying animal numbers were severely reduced. Again, the creatures preserved on the ark went on to reproduce and fill the earth. Although creationists reject universal common ancestry on biblical grounds, they still need to adequately account for the diversification and speciation that has occurred within the various kinds of animals since the Flood. Because a biblical model demands the rapid diversification of creatures into forms filling different ecological niches, or adaptive radiation, creationists have the opportunity and responsibility to contribute to our understanding of this important topic and thus show the relevance of the biblical model. Many biologists recognize three sources of adaptive variation: environmentally based sorting of ancestral alleles, mutation, and hybridization. Conditions following the Flood would have led to an inordinate number of founding events, potentially contributing to environmentally based sorting of alleles. Evolutionists have done considerable work to understand the effect of founding events on subsequent populations. Much of that work is reviewed here. Yet a blind spot remains, as most techniques intended to identify the founder effect assume it is random and that founders do not select the new environment or niche. It is concluded that founder events were foundational in the rapid post-Flood diversification that has taken place in history, setting the stage for other processes that contributed to rapid speciation. There is a tremendous need for creation research to further elucidate key details and promote a biblical understanding of natural history.