CRSQ Abstracts, 2014, Volume 51, Number 2 (Fall)

Evidence for the Recent Existence of Mammoths and Mastodons: Implications for Creation and Evolution

Andrew V. Ste. Marie

Most evolutionists believe the wooly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) was extirpated from mainland Eurasia and North America approximately 10,000 years ago, with the last individuals surviving on Wrangel Island until 3,700 years ago. Similarly, the American mastodon (Mammut americanum) is believed to have gone extinct circa 10,000 years ago. This paper examines the hard data conflicting with these interpretations, including an Egyptian painting of a dwarf mammoth, surviving mastodon intestinal bacteria, sedimentary ancient DNA, and datable artifacts portraying proboscideans. This evidence suggests that mammoths and mastodons survived much later than evolutionists believe, perhaps as late as 800 years ago. It is concluded that the evolutionists’ estimates for the extinction dates of mammoths and mastodons are in error, which not only affects their timescale but also creates problems for their hypotheses on the causes of the end- Pleistocene extinction event.

Phanerozoic Animal Tracks: A Challenge for Catastrophic Plate Tectonics

Carl R. Froede Jr., A. Jerry Akridge, and John K. Reed

Originally inferred from 2-D and 3-D computer simulations of crustal plate movement across the face of the earth, catastrophic plate tectonics was proposed as a young-earth creationist alternative to naturalistic plate tectonic theory, and has become widely accepted. Catastrophic plate tectonics claims that the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and, in some instances, Cenozoic stratigraphic sections are Flood deposits. However, the presence of animal tracks throughout these same sections appear to contradict the biblical record, which states that the animals that could have created these tracks were all dead long before the end of the Flood. Catastrophic plate tectonics’ adherence to the secular chronostratigraphic geologic timescale, or the standard geologic column, is the source of this apparently insoluble problem. Until advocates of this model can explain how animal tracks could have been produced in strata that supposedly formed after the extinction of the track makers, their model exhibits a glaring inconsistency with field data.

The Role of the Transcendental Argument in Creation Research

Tom Carpenter

The transcendental argument for God is fundamental to creation research. Clearly defined, it reveals the biblical foundations upon which real science rests. It links creation research to the objective truthfulness of God while showing the absurdity of the secular view by uncovering its subjective foundation. The transcendental argument also has application to evidence claims, experimentation, and arguments against evolution.

The Jurassic Coast: Evidence for the Flood

Michael J. Oard, John D. Matthews, and Andrew Sibley

A portion of the Dorset and Devon coastline, considered a 185-millionyear “walk through time,” has been declared the UK’s first geological world heritage site. But there are numerous contradictions to its deep time, evolutionary, and uniformitarian interpretations. One of the most obvious is the lack of erosion within and between geological layers—a feature common in practically all sedimentary rocks. Surficial Jurassic Coastal erosion rates, similar to the rest of England, suggests that the entire island would be eroded to sea level in only a few millions years, contradicting the elongated timescale. Evolutionary dating, based on the fossils, especially the classical ammonite series, shows several problems. Other strange features of the Jurassic Coast challenge its uniformitarian explanation, such as the absence of a significant change at the supposed Paleozoic/Mesozoic boundary, when 90% of species supposedly went extinct. We examined Lulworth Cove, an iconic area for the Jurassic Coast that includes so-called stromatolites, a “fossil forest,” and “dirt beds.” Dinosaur tracks also were found, as well as catastrophically deposited shell layers in the Purbeck Limestone. These, and many other features, suggest better interpretations are provided by the Genesis Flood. One in particular is the erosion of the sedimentary sequence, which created a unique gravel-capped planation surface, which was subsequently dissected, creating local water gaps perpendicular to ridges. This corresponds to the recessive stage of the Flood, with its two phases of sheet and channelized erosion. The Jurassic Coast makes a better “icon” for biblical history than for deep time and evolution.