CRSQ 2018 Volume 54, Number 3



Integrating Contemporary Approaches to “Worldview”

Steven Chisham

The human worldview provides the truth-predictive component of man’s epistemological framework, approximating and/or simulating perfect knowledge of reality for purposes of decision making. This article examining worldview dynamics correlates, compares, and contrasts several popular and contemporary worldview approaches, demonstrating how all successful methods at least partially answer the universal question: “How do I understand myself relative to ultimate truth?” Also, emotional and moral components inherent in a worldview are briefly examined.

The Bighorn Basin, Wyoming—Monument to the Flood Part II: The Retreating Stage

Michael J. Oard

The Bighorn Basin is a spectacular example of the retreating stage of Noah’s Flood. Very large, differential vertical tectonics in the early retreating stage initiated drainage of Floodwaters into subsiding ocean basins. Concurrent uplift of mountain ranges warped sedimentary layers, and deformation included the movement of the Heart Mountain Slide in the northwest Bighorn Basin. Erosion removed most of the strata from the Beartooth and Bighorn Mountains, but only Mesozoic and early Cenozoic strata were removed from the Owl Creek Mountains. Eroded sediments provided valley fill for the Bighorn Basin. To the west, the Absaroka Volcanics formed by volcanic debris flows. Large “alluvial fans” formed on the east sides of the Beartooth and Bighorn Mountains but were then deeply eroded by north-flowing, channelized Floodwater currents. These currents also eroded several thousand feet of Bighorn Basin fill. Planation surfaces formed on the edge of the surrounding mountains and in the Bighorn Basin, surviving today as erosional remnants. Currents also transported quartzite from central Idaho, redeposited as gravel lags. Pediment and pediment remnants formed, and at least four water gaps were cut.

Something Fishy about Radiocarbon-Dating Viking Bones

It’s hard to understand why serious amounts of radioactive Carbon 14 are “missing” in Viking bones, unless one realizes that much of it was never there to start with.

Moreover, readers of the Creation Research Society Quarterly should appreciate how this radiometric dating controversy is relevant to how evolutionists study ancient origins. Indeed, conventional radiocarbon-dating methodology obscured the proper understanding of an archeological site in Repton, England, for more than three decades, illustrating how bad science corrupts our understanding of the otherwise knowable past.



Integrating Contemporary Approaches Bighorn Basin Wyoming Mounment To The Flood Something Gishy About Radioncarbon Dating Ruin Reconstruction Theory