CRSQ 1989 Volume 26, Number 2


Are Human And Mammal Tracks Found Together With The Tracks Of Dinosaurs In The Kayenta Of Arizona? PART I: A HISTORY OF RESEARCH AND A SITE DESCRIPTION

Paul O. Rosnau, B.A, Jeremy Auldaney, George F. Howe, Ph.D, William Waisgerber, M.S.

A history of current research on quasihuman ichnofossils (supposed man tracks) in Mesozoic strata is offered herein. The authors review literature relative to studies of human-like tracks along the Paluxy River, Glen Rose, Texas. They also present a history of work on humanoid tracks in Arizona. A general geographic and geologic description of the study sites near Tuba City, Arizona, is given together with some pictures of representative tracks. A full presentation of results and conclusions will appear in Part II.

Is The Sun An Age Indicator?

Don B. DeYoung, Ph.D and David E. Rush, B.S.

Questions on the age of the sun necessarily hinge on how it produces its enormous energy. Long-age evolutionists favor thermonuclear fusion, the only known process that could last for billions of years. Young-age creationists counter that the evidence for fusion is scanty at best, and many have readily adopted data which seemsto show that the sun is shrinking. If so, it could be heating itself by gravitational collapse instead of fusion. However, such data is probably in error, and, in any case is so much larger that the rate actually necessary to produce the sun's heat as to be irrelevant. The sun may be heated by gravitational collapse, bu fusion, or a combination of both - there is simply not enough evidence to tell. The sun is not an age indicator one way or the other.

 Prebiotic Formation Of The First Cell

Kevin Anderson, Ph.D.

While much attention and effort has focused on the prebiotic formationof such molecules as amino and nucleic acids, the formation of a reproducing cellular entity in a prebiotic environment constitutes a gap seldom addressed in the scientific literature. Indeed, the gap between simple organic molecules and a reproducing cell is vastly greater than that envisioned by most researchers in origin of life studies. The nature and complexity of known cells suggests that the simplest conceivable cellular form is far too complex to be a product of known prebiotic mechanisms. From directing metabolic processes to maintaining osmotic stasis, all would be necessary functions of the first cell.



Prebiotic Formation Of The First Cell Are Human And Mammal Tracks Found Together Panorama Of Science Is The Sun An Age Indicator?