CRSQ 1998 Volume 35, Number 3


An Overview of Various Igneous Rock Outcrops Near The Van Andel Creation Research Center Interpreted Within A Young-Earth Flood Model


Carl R. Froede Jr., B.S., P.G., George F. Howe, Ph.D., John K. Reed, Ph.D. and John R. Meyer, Ph.D.

For many areas of the Earth, intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks form a significant portion of the vertical stratigraphic column. They reflect geologic energy levels which might aid in understanding Earth's short history within the Young-Earth Flood model. We propose that intrusive igneous rocks reflect high-energy heat and tectonic conditions and that their exposure provides testimony to the erosional power of the global Flood. We believe that extrusive igneous rocks can also provide information about both the passage of time and the former environmental conditions that prevailed when they were deposited. The Van Andel Creation Research Center provides a strategic location from which a great variety of these igneous outcrops can be investigated. We discuss several locations which reflect such features as exfoliating granites, flood basalts, and subaerial volcanic deposits, and explain them within the framework of the Young-Earth Flood model.

The Transitional Form Problem

Jerry Bergman, Ph.D.

Naturalistic evolutionists often claim that the strongest proof of their theory is found in the science of paleontology. If naturalistic non-life to human life evolution is true, multi-billions of links are required to bridge modern humans with the chemicals which once existed in some primitive "soup" found in the ocean or mud puddles and which were assumed to have given birth to life more than 3.5 billion years ago. Furthermore, these multi-billions of intermediate links would be a prominent part of the fossil record. And multi-millions more links are needed to connect humans with our primitive apelike ancestors that are hypothesized to have existed eons ago. Scientists tend to find fossils of comparatively "simple" life forms in the "older" layers of earth strata, and the so called "higher" forms of life are more common in the more "recent" strata. It was therefore assumed that, as new layers were deposited, the fossils being formed in them would reveal a clear picture of life progressively evolving from comparatively simple to complex forms. Unfortunately for evolutionists, this is not what has been found in the record of the rocks.

Rapid Canyon Formation: The Black Canyon of the Gunnison River, Colorado

Emmett L. Williams, Ph.D.

How the Black Canyon of the Gunnison may have developed within a young-earth Flood model is discussed. Subaqueous currents during the Flood eroded the sediments on the Gunnison uplift. Later, retreating Floodwater continued to carve a canyon into the Precambrian basement. Vast regional volcanic activity introduced abrasive particulate matter into the flowing water aiding the erosional processes.

Demythologizing Uniformitarian History

John K. Reed, Ph.D.

When I use a word… it means just what I choose it to mean--neither more nor less. Lewis Carroll Although monolithically applied within historical geology, uniformitarianism itself is a non-scientific axiom. It represents the only possible hold on history for naturalists, since their positivism restricts knowledge to observation. It is demonstrably falsified by at least three tests for truth: (1) There is imprecision and potential contradiction in the definition itself. (2) Even a consistent definition contradicts empirical evidence of both modern processes and products of past processes. (3) Finally, the underlying concept of the uniformity of natural law, a necessary condition for uniformitarianism, cannot be justified within the naturalist worldview. Biblical history, which recognizes a revelatory basis for knowledge, is shown to be superior to uniformitarian mythology, and naturalism is shown to be without an adequate grasp on any history whatsoever.



Demythologizing Uniformaitarian History Transitional Form Problem Speculatoin Regarding Teh Albedo Of Antediluvian Moon Rapid Canyon Formation An Overview of Various Igneous Rock Outcrops Near The Van Andel Creation Research Center Interpreted Within A Young-Earth Flood Model