CRSQ 1997 Volume 33, Number 4


The Case for the Calaveras Skull

Edward C. Lain and Robert E. Gentet, M.S.,

The Calaveras Skull was discovered in 1866 in gold-bearing gravel dated by conventional geology as tens of millions of years older than man's supposed origin. It initiated one of the greatest controversies over American fossil finds of ancient man. All individuals connected with the original find believed it to be genuine, including the famous nineteenth century geologist J.D. Whitney who made it widely known. Later, a ferocious attack by both evolutionists and some religionists branded the skull as merely a trick played upon the unsuspecting finder (Mattison) and the geologist examiner (Whitney). Close examination of the historical facts shows the skull should be taken seriously as one of the most mysterious and probably most significant human fossil finds on the North American continent. The authors believe the Calaveras Skull and hundreds of associated human artifacts have withstood the test of time and constitute remarkable evidences of ancient Man existing in America before the commencement of the Post-Flood Ice Age.    

The Capabilities of Science in the Formation of a Modern Worldview

Steve W. Deckard, Ed.D

My purpose in this paper is to review relevant literature regarding the use of science and evolutionary theory as a basis for the development of a personal worldview. The development of a useful, truth-providing worldview is an important part of intellectual and spiritual growth. It is also important that a person be able to discern the worldviews of others. It is asserted that the formation of a modern worldview requires more than an understanding of science and evolutionary theory. Because the formation of a worldview deals with the question of truth, only a creationist based worldview will prove fruitful. Science in and of itself is incapable of creating a useful worldview because it is subjective in nature.    

A Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of the Testudine Apobaramin

Ashley Robinson, B.S.,

Baraminology is a biosystematic discipline for reclassifying organisms within the young-earth creation model. The method is presently dependent on 15 theoretically-defined membership criteria that are designed to reveal patterns of phylogenetic discontinuity in nature. This survey examines the utility of the molecular criterion for resolving phyletic divisions. As a case study, the non-trionychoidea cryptodires (turtles with hard shells and retractable necks) have been analyzed with a panel of nine mitochondrial genes. Sequence comparisons with non-testudines supported a previous hypothesis that the turtles were apobaraminic or phylogenetically distinct from other vertebrates. Analyses within the testudines suggested the non-trionychoidea cryptodires were composed of at least two monobaramins including the Cheloniidae family and Gopherus genus.    

Archaeological and Geological Features at Falling Waters State Recreation Area, Florida: A Young-Earth Flood Model Perspective

Brian R. Rucker, Ph.D. and Carl R. Froede, Jr., B.S., P.G

The Florida Panhandle provides numerous examples of solutional limestone features, also referred to as karst. Archaeological evidence indicates that paleo-Indian cultures used many of these sites as both water sources and communal areas. One specific site, the Falling Waters State Recreation Area, is a locale where paleo-Indians are suggested to have once hunted mammoth. Additionally, this site provides a location where several different types of karst features are observed. Uniformitarians suggest that all of these karst features formed over the course of tens to hundreds of thousands of years. In following the Young-Earth Flood Model we would suggest that these features developed over the course of a few thousand years. We would interpret these features as probably originating at the close of the Flood with continued development extending throughout the single Ice Age Timeframe. Wet weather conditions coupled with changes in sea-level were the greatest factors in forming this karstic terrain.    

A Biblical Christian Framework for Earth History Research: Part III - Constraining Geologic Models

John K. Reed, Ph.D., P.G. and Carl R. Froede, Jr., B.S., P.G

Previous parts of this series have demonstrated the superiority of the biblical Christian system to the naturalist-uniformitarian system in providing metaphysical and epistemological frameworks for Earth history research. Following a logical progression towards deriving geologic models, the next step is the use of information from sources other than geology to constrain and direct model formulation. To begin the process, special revelation will be applied as a primary constraint. As the most reliable source of historical information, the Bible provides both general and specific constraints. General constraints include: Limited time; catastrophic process; an event-oriented perspective; and the possibility of a more complete geologic record than is recognized by uniformitarians. Specific constraints include the outline of historical events presented in the biblical text. Although many constraints from other disciplines (e.g., history, archeology) could be explored, a rigorous examination of these areas is beyond the scope of this paper.



Capabilities Of Science Arachaeological And Geological Features Biblical Christian Framework Mitochondrial Dna Case For The Calaveras Skull