CRSQ 1988 Volume 25, Number 2



Creationist Evaluation of Australopithecus Afarensis

Paul, DuBois, M.S.

Anti-creationist Leon Albert believes that certain problems with creationist treatment of the australopithecines, particularly 'Lucy,' invalidate the creationist position that 'Lucy' is not a prehuman ancestor. This is not necessarily so, but the argument on which that position is based is incomplete. The difficulties raised by Albert are discussed with a view to resolving them by completing the argument.

Feminism, Humanism and Evolution

David A. Kaufmann, Ph.D.

Feminism is an ideology based on the anti-Christian philosophy of humanism. Evolution, through genetic, embryological and DNA evidence along with the bizarre technological possibility of male pregnancy and childbirth, has become the scientific framework on which feminism rests. This has resulted in the individual replacing the family as the functional unit in secular society. In contrast, the doctrine of creation establishes the divine order of the sexes with the family as the functional unit in a Christian society.

The Postulated Evidence for Macroevolution and Darwinism: Darwinian Arguments and the Disintegrating Neo-Darwinian Synthesis--Part II

W. R. Bird, J.D.

Part I discussed three of the eight primary lines of evidence offered for macroevolution and Darwinian mechanisms. Part II addresses the remaining arguments for macroevolution and Darwinian mechanisms. Evolutionists are cited who suggest that (1) the "facts of comparative anatomy provide no evidence for evolution," while the "attempt to find homologous genes has been given up as hopeless"; (2) the embryological argument used to center on a biogenetic "law" that has "been demonstrated to be wrong by numerous subsequent scholars," and now stands on the problem that "anatomically homologous parts in different related organisms appear to have quite different origins"; (3) the comparative biochemistry argument offers a "serious . . . challenge to the whole evolutionary framework" rather than support, by widespread anomalies that require "a robust rejection of a generalized molecular clock hypothesis of DNA evolution"; (4) the population genetics argument has made "no direct contribution to what Darwin obviously saw as the fundamental problem: the origin of species," and "is merely the blind leading the blind"; and (5) the artificial selection argument overlooks that "selective breeding is not analogous to the action of 'natural selection'." All scientists mentioned in this article are evolutionists unless otherwise identified. All emphases in the quotes is the author's.

The Speed of Light and Pulsars

Roy D. Holt, M.S.

The consistency of pulsar signals provides unique constraints on the hypothesis that the speed of light has decayed in the past. The model of decay in the speed of light proposed by Norman and Setterfield is found to be an inaccurate description of reality. The data and theory strongly suggest that if the speed of light has decayed, it has done so in a very obscure manner.

The Special Theory of Relativity: Its Assumptions and Implications

Dudley J. Benton, Ph.D.

Since Albert Einstein proposed the Special Theory of Relativity in 1905, there has been much discussion, concern, and confusion. This theory is probably the most controversial concept within physics and has been the subject of no little controversy in the origins debate. It is not the intent of this paper to defend or refute the theory, rather to clarify what is and is not assumed and what is and is not implied by it. Thus, hopefully this will reduce the confusion and perhaps some of the unprofitable element of the controversy.

Statistical Analysis of The Atomic Constants, Light and Time

R. H. Brown, Ph.D.

A statistical analysis of the data presented in The Atomic Constants, Light and Time indicates that a significant change in the velocity of light has not occurred in recent years.



The Special Theory Of Relativity The Atomic Constants Light And Time Macroevolution And Darwinism Feminism Humanism And Evolution Creationist Evaluation Of Australopithecus Afarensis The Speed Of Light And Pulsars Panorama Of Science