CRSQ 1984 Volume 21, Number 1



A Creationist Environmental Ethic

John W. Klotz, Ph.D.

A consistent creationist is an environmentalist. All of nature belongs to God since He is the Creator. Man is a steward of the natural world and he should be a good one. Many instances are cited when man has foolishly upset the balance of nature, not understanding the consequences of his acts.

A Trip To The Grand Canyon Experiment Station

George F. Howe, Ph.D.

An exploratory investigation of the Creation Research Society Grand Canyon Experiment Station and surrounding area is discussed. Possible future projects are offered and a catalogue of some local plants and animals is given.

The Universe Is Bigger Than 15.71 Light Years

G. Russell Akridge, Ph.D.

Moon and Spencer's 15.71 light year model universe does not approximate the real universe. Their model universe is far too dense, and far too short-lived. Such a model for the universe should not be used in support of a short travel time for light from the distant stars as a solution for the light from distant stars paradox.

Global, Continental and Regional Sedimentation Systems And Their Implications

Glenn R. Morton, M.S.

The geologic record displays a trend in which certain lithologies are more prominently deposited during certain geologic periods. The trend is a worldwide phenomenon which seems to better fit within creationist views of earth history.

Survival Of Freshwater And Saltwater Organisms In A Heterogeneous Flood Model Experiment

E. Norbert Smith, Ph.D and Stephen Hagberg, B.S.

The Noahic flood destroyed all the air breathing animals except those on the ark. No doubt the flood also took a major toll on freshwater and marine organisms due to the turbulence, turbidity, changes in salinity and temperature. Some marine animals survived by simply tolerating changes in salinity. Survival of a marine reef fish, Blue Damsel, Abudefduf uniocellatus, was tested at different rates of freshwater dilution. It was found that the salinity where the fish lost the ability to swim was the same when exposed to dilution rates of 15 0/00/hrs (parts per thousand per hour) and 1.5 0/00/hr but was higher with the slow dilution rate of 0.031 0/00/hr. These data suggest that the marine organisms could not have survived a homogeneous freshwater deluge. A heterogeneous flood model was set up in a 55-gallon aquarium. A quantity of saltwater 20 cm deep was overlaid with freshwater and the system was exposed to outdoor summertime weather conditions in western Oklahoma. Marine algae (Phaeophyta and Chlorophyta), brine shrimp (Artemia nauplii), a hermit crab and some marine gastropods wee introduced int the saltwater portion. A goldfish (Carassius auratus), two mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis), and freshwater plants were introduced into the surface layer. Although some mixing occurred, all the organisms survived four week exposure to outdoor conditions suggesting that protected pockets of marine organisms may have survived the flood by being overlaid with freshwater.

Darwin's Last Hours Revisited

Wilbert H. Rusch, Sr., M.S., L.L.D.

The material presented in hte tract, Darwin's Last Hours, does not correspond with the facts known about Charles Darwin. It is suggested that Christians not use the tract in any creation-evolution discussions.

The Divine Essence In Evolutionary Theorizing - An Analysis Of The Rise And Fall Of Evolutionary Natural Selection, Mutation, And Punctuted Equilibria As Mechanisms Of Megaevolution

Randall Hedtke

It is the author's thesis that true science, namely, experimentation and observation, is inseparably united with God. Science as a reasoning process and our ability to reason as human beings have the Creator as their common source. The inseparability between science and God is especially apparent in the question of the orgin of life. This article describes the futility confronting materialistic theorizers to explain the origin of life without invoking miracles. The problem confronting materialistic theorizers is the requirement of formulating a testable, on-going mechanism for the origin of life as opposed to a nontestable, discontinuous mechanism. The former is within the realm of science, while the later is not. Darwin's on-going evolutionary natural selection mechanism met that requirement. The article goes on to explain how, hwen Darwin finally did deal honestly and objectively with the data, he abandoned evolutionary natural selection. Then, in order to avoid conceding to special creation and continue to meet the scientific requirement of postulating an on-going mechansism, he switched to Jean Lamarck's theory of acquired characters, which never had credibility. Darwin's correct insistence that a materialistic explanation for the origin of life must be by means of an on-going mechanism, perhaps can only be fully appreciated at a time when special creation is the predominant belief. Darwin's reaction to the dilemma is contrasted to the reactions of Hugo De Vries and present-day evolutionists, like Stephen Jay Gould, who also found evolutionary natural selection untenable as an on-going mechanism. Their reaction has been to abandon true science by postulating periodic mutability and punctuated equilibria, which, because they are not on-going, are statements of belief. Essentially, they were led back to creation in spite of themselves. Science, within its limitations, will always reveal creation, because it reveals intelligent design in nature, while not revealing an on-going mechanism; together they add up to creation.



Panorama Of Science Global Continental And Regional Sedimentation Darwin S Last Hours Revisited Creationist Enviromental Ethic Survival Of Freshwater And Saltwater Flip Side Of Creationism A Trip To The Grand Canyon Experiment Station Divine Essence In Evolutionary Theorizing Universe Is Bigger Than 15 71 Light Years Henry M Morris