CRSQ 1977 Volume 14, Number 1


The Catastrophic Deep-Freeze Of The Beresovka Mammoth
Jody Dillow

It is commonly held in historical geology that Pleistocene extinctions were a gradual process lasting over thousands or millions of years. However, frozen mammoth carcasses found buried in the tundra muck give evidence leading to a different conclusion. Of particular interest is the carcass of the Beresovka Mammoth (1901). An analysis is presented of the temperature drop necessary at the time of its death to leave the mammoth in the state of preservation in which it was found. By using thermodynamic models of the mammoth, it is demonstrated that the animal must have frozen to death in mid-summer by being suddenly overcome by an outside temperature below -150oF.

Rapid Growth Of Dripstone Observed
Larry Helmick, Ph.D., Joseph Rohde, and Amy Ross

Evolutionists generally assume that dripstone deposits, such as stalactites and stalagmites, form slowly, while creationists would maintain that rapid rates of formation must be possible. Here factors affecting the rate of formation of dripstones are discussed. Hypothetical environmental conditions immediately following the Genesis flood would be expected to produce rapid formation of dripstone. Actual observations of rapid formation are reported. Therefore, the creationist position is supported by theoretical as well as experimental data relating to the rate of formation of dripstone.

The Rotation-Curve Of The Virgo Cluster Of Galaxies
Gerardus D. Bouw, Ph.D.

The rotation-curve for the Virgo cluster of galaxies and the so-called Southern extension is presented. The two appear distinct in their radial velocity distributions and, in addition there appears to be another grouping associated with NGC 4261. The masses of the two clusters are (1.3 +/- 0.2) x 1015 and (1.6 +/- 0.2) x 1014 solar masses respectively. The central densities are (3.5 +/- 1.0) x 10-25 and (2.6 +/- 0.8) x 10-26 gm cm-3. The period of revolution of the two clusters about each other is about 3.4 x 1011 years; more than ten Hubble ages. This latter factor and the discovery of a previously unsuspected shell wherein the numbers of direct and retrograde moving galaxies are equal provide further damaging evidence against the prevailing modern cosmogony.

H. J. Massingham: Christian Ecologist
W. J. Keith, Ph.D.

As the ecology movement became prominent in the last few years, Christians have sometimes been suspicious of it. However, since the aim of ecology is to make the world a better place in which to live, or to keep it from becoming a worse one, it would seem right for Christians to sympathize, and, if possible, to help A good way to show that something is possible is to show that it has been done. Thus the purpose of this article is to show that it is possible to be a Christian and an ecologist by recounting something about a man who has both.

Genetics And Creation Studies
Willem J. Ouweneel, Ph.D.

Modern creationists, with few exceptions, have not given much attention to modern genetics. Yet the study could be most useful. On the other hand, it reveals many difficulties for evolutionists. Indeed, the subject might better be called, not evolutionary genetics, as is sometimes done, but rather population genetics. In this article much recent work is mentioned. Difficulties are pointed out for both theories commonly proposed from an evolutionary viewpoint: the classical theory and the balance theory. But some points emerge which creationists have come to believe on other grounds, for instance, that many creatures have far more potential for variation than has been suspected until recently. This can be seen to be a provision by the Creator, to allow creatures to cope with changing conditions that might arise.

The Origin Of Termites
Vincent A. Ettari

New discoveries concerning this dreaded insect confirm the opinion which creationists have always held: that it is a special creation of God, not the result of evolution.

A Classical Foundation For Electrodynamics
Thomas G. Barnes, D.Sc., Richard R. Pemper, B.S., and Harold L. Armstrong, M.Sc.

Electrostatics, the study of the effects of stationary electric charges, is well established. Electrodynamics, the study of what happens when the charges are moving, has not been free from difficulties. The special theory of relativity is commonly supposed to be used to bridge the gap between the static and dynamic situations. However, that theory involves some notions, such as the contraction of lengths and the dilation of times, which are not well established experimentally. Moreover, it leads to some seemingly absurd results such as the notorious twin paradox. In the present article, the authors use the idea of feedback, in which changing electrical fields cause magnetic effects and vice versa. These facts have been established experimentally for a long time. In that way a theory of what happens with moving charges is established. The results agree with those from the previous theory; but they are obtained in a way which seems physically more meaningful, and which does not require one to assume effects for which there is no experimental evidence.

Kames, Eskers, And The Deluge
Douglas E. Cox

Kames and eskers do not seem to be forming in modern glacial deposits, and the origin of these features is a baffling problem for geologists. A new concept of the drift is suggested by a possible process of rock disintegration during uplift of the continents at the end of the Deluge. Expansion effects of this disintegration process can account for the formation of kames and eskers. Many of their features fit this explanation, while the same features are problematic in terms of the Glacial Theory. The concept of the formation of drift by disintegration may help solve some problems in creationist geology.

Interdependence In Macromolecule Synthesis: Evidence For Design
Douglas B. Sharp, B.S.

Macromolecules in the cell such as DNA, RNA, and proteins are interdependent for mutual synthesis. Within the cell, proteins used for enzyme catalysis, structural components, energy generation, and digestion of food, are produced through an amazing manufacturing process, involving DNA as a template for the three types of RNA (mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA), which in turn act as different components in the synthesis and coding of each protein molecule. But, each step in this complicated synthesis is catalyzed by an enzyme, which, since it is a protein, would have had to be synthesized by the same process! In other words, the end products of this reaction aid in the synthesis of the starting components and catalyzes each reaction along the way, making up a complicated series of interrelationships. In order to explain life, then, the appearance of this entire machinery must be explained.


An Analysis Of The Post-Flood Population Growth
James N. Hanson, Ph.D.

The world population growth after the Noachian Flood is analyzed. Several independent mathematical methods indicate that a population of many millions could have resulted after 200 years starting from Noah and his family.



Interdependence In Macromoecule Synthesis Atomic Clocks H J Massingham Genetics And Creation Studies Panorama Analysis Of The Post Flood Population Growth Rotation Curve Of The Virgo Cluster Of Galaxies Kames Eskers And The Deluge Did Sex Evolve Heart Of Creation Catastrophic Deep Freeze Hotrod Helicopter Origin Of Termites Classical Foundation For Electrodynamics Rapid Growth Of Dipstone Observed